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FileZilla Client


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A free and great way to transfer files between devices using FTP

Tim Kosse | 1 more apps |
updated on July 10, 2024
11.8mb | free


A great tool for transferring data
A complete set of tools by the same company
Completely free
Supports the main protocols


May face errors with some file formats (rare)
FileZilla Client
Price: $
FileZilla Client is a free File-Transfer-Protocol (FTP) tool that allows you to transfer files effortlessly. If you don’t know what FTP or file-transfer protocol is, it is the name for the protocol used to transfer files between devices.

If you ever looked for applications to transfer files between your Windows and Mac devices, now you can stop the search and download the FileZilla Client. Now, the trick here that makes the FileZilla Client work so perfectly is the FileZilla Server which pairs up and completes the set of equations. The client is simply used to send and retrieve data and files from the server.

To transfer data, there must be a server as two devices that act as clients cannot communicate with each other. But there’s nothing to worry about as your device can be a client and a server at the same time. Any file that is placed and stored on the server can be downloaded at any time by any client that is connected.

If you allow us to be a little technical, FileZilla uses FTPS and SFTP. Both of those protocols are security protocols that ensure that the connection is not hacked in the middle by someone and that your files will not get hijacked. FTPS stands for File-transfer-protocol-secure and SFTP stands for SSH File Transfer Protocol where SSH is a security standard on its own.

The Client by FileZilla is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems. There’s a Pro version as well as a free version. The free version is more than good enough, but if you need more protocol support, then you will have to buy the Pro version.

Installing and getting started with FileZilla is fairly simple, but you may need to look around for a bit before initiating a connection. To connect to a server where you want to download/upload data, you will require a Host (address of the host), a username, a password, and a port to connect to. After that, you can quickconnect and start your operations.

All in all, FileZilla Client is a fantastic option for remote working teams as well as any set of groups who require to seamlessly share files within a set of devices consistently. Large volumes of data can easily be transferred and downloaded using the FileZilla Client. You will run into no issues using this tool.
Reviewed by (editor rating 4.5 out of 5 starsEditor's pick Sooftware editor's pick

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Operating system


Supported languages

Available in multiple languages


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